How To Help Those Affected By Wildfires
It's hard to imagine what our neighbours in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories are going through with the current wildfire situation. The news coming out of Maui, Greece and other parts of the world is just devastating. Many Albertans are wondering what they can do to help. We've compiled a list of ways to support those affected.
Donate to the Canadian Red Cross
The Canadian Red Cross has launched a Northwest Territories fire appeal and a British Columbia fire appeal online where you can donate directly with all proceeds going to ongoing relief, recovery and resilience efforts.
Donate to the United Way
The United Way NWT is fundraising to support organizations helping evacuees from across the Northwest Territories who have left their homes due to the wildfires.
Open Your Home to Evacuees
Hillhurst United Church has set up a database of people willing to house evacuees. If you can offer accomodation, please fill out the form on their website. They are also accepting support through pet boarding and meal donations.
Support Parachute for Pets
A local non-profit pet agency in Calgary, Paracute for Pets, is accepting displaced animals from British Columbia and the NWT. They are encouraging those able to give financial donations.
Support Veternarians without Borders
Donations to Veterinarians Without Borders’ emergency response effort can be made via the Northern Animal Health Initiative website.
What Not to Do
Authorities are pleased to see the number of people willing to help, but they are encouraging people not to travel to affected to volunteer (unless you are there because you are a resident of the area). They also suggest that a financial donation to one of the organizations listed above is more helpful that dropping off supplies (unless there is a specific callout for supplies).